ADEN: The Kuwait-based Tanmeia Charitable Society has opened the Mansour Al-Khulaifi village to shelter displaced persons in the Yemeni governorate of Ma’rib. The village, which comprises of 60 houses, was built by donations from the Kuwaiti Mansour Al-Khulaifi Endowment and as part of “Kuwait By Your Side” campaign to aid the conflict-ravaged Yemenis.

In a press statement, Director of the Executive Unit for Displaced Persons in Ma’rib Governorate Saif Muthana expressed appreciations to Kuwait for its continued support for the displaced persons in the governorate. He pointed out that residential villages are considered one of the most important projects for sheltering displaced people and have the greatest impact in alleviating their suffering because they provide protection and appropriate housing that preserves the dignity of displaced families.

ADEN: Internally displaced people sit by their tents at camp, north of Yemen’s southern city of Aden. - AFP

Muthana thanked His Highness the Amir, government and people of Kuwait for the non-stop aid for the Yemeni people and the displaced in particular. He hailed this generous initiative from the Al-Khulaifi Endowment and the Tanmeia Charitable Society in the State of Kuwait and its local partner Al-Tawasul Foundation for Human Development executed the project. - KUNA