NEW YORK: Kuwait is keen on bolstering the culture of peace worldwide to avoid more tragedy, hatred and violence, said a diplomat on Thursday. In a statement to the UNGA session on the culture of peace, first secretary at the Kuwaiti mission at the UN headquarters in New York Fahad Hajji affirmed that boosting peace globally requires intensive efforts by the world community.

He reflected support towards the UN General Secretariat’s recommendations on bolstering efforts in promoting peace and dialogue amongst religions and cultures around the world. Hatred and racism have been festering around the world and people must stand against such notions to ensure peace, security and coexistence, Hajji reiterated. All sectors of society must be involved to bolster peace and understanding, Hajji noted, pointing out that peace is an important part of the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

He indicated that sustainable development cannot flourish or be achieved without the presence of peace, driving the point further by saying that the culture of peace must be built on solid foundations of understanding, tolerance and dialogue. Meanwhile, Kuwait reaffirmed support to UN-led efforts to address the climate crisis which has “a clear and direct adverse impact on international peace and security”. In his address to the UN Security Council Open Debate on Climate and Security, Counsellor Faisal Al-Enezi, Kuwait’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, highlighted the link between regional stability and climate.

Detailing numerous infrastructure projects implemented by the Kuwaiti government, Enezi said “the processes of oil extraction in Kuwait are the lowest-carbon emitting processes in the world.” He reiterated Kuwait’s commitment to ensuring carbon neutrality in the energy sector by 2050 and in all sectors by 2060. To deal with political and security challenges in the Middle East and water scarcity in the Arab region, he urged scaling up cooperation with countries of the region and support from the international community to address these challenges. – KUNA