KUWAIT: Chairman of Kuwait Friendship Humanitarian Society Ahmad Abdullah Al-Sarraf urged donors, various bodies, citizens and expats to support the newly-established society and help it achieve its goals. Sarraf, as well as other board members, thanked all those who supported the society morally and materially.
Sarraf said the board of directors recently appointed Khalid Mohammad bin Sabt as Director General of the society due to his experience in humanitarian and voluntary work and his exceptional contacts with public and private establishments, in addition to his vast managerial expertise.
Khalid bin SabtBin Sabt thanked the board of directors for their confidence in him, saying it is his pleasure to be part of the society and an effective element in presenting its various services to the needy, helping in enhancing its work and achieving its noble goals. Bin Sabt said work is ongoing with the chairman and board members to set a strategy to enhance beneficiary services and reach the largest group of needy people.
Bin Sabt said the society's goals include:
1. Presenting social and material care to needy people of any nationality, especially the sick and those facing financial difficulties.
2. Helping prisoners and their families.
3. Helping families in need who do not wish to disclose their destitution.
4. Cooperating with other societies in this regard.
5. Recognizing expats who have exceeded 50 years residing in Kuwait and presenting them with gifts.
6. Honoring law-abiding expats.
7. Working on strengthening friendships with expats through participating in their national holidays.
Bin Sabt said projects licensed by the social affairs ministry include:
* Providing airline tickets to female domestic helpers in shelters.
* Helping sick expats having financial difficulties.
* Supporting expat domestic help shelters.
* Helping needy families.
* Providing those awaiting deportation with airline tickets (both men and women).
* Honoring expats who have been residing for a long time in Kuwait.
* Aiding inmates in prison and reform establishments.
Bin Sabt said KFHS is distinguished with the following:
* The society's founders and its board are major supporters and donors.
* Board members are volunteers, not receiving salaries or advantages, and are not allowed to hire their relatives.
* The society does not deduct any percentage of money from any donation it receives for its projects.
* The society publishes its annual budget, names of donors and amount of donations periodically on its website.
* All society accounts and activities are under the supervision of the social affairs ministry and audited by Howarth, Al-Muhanna and Partners.
Bin Sabt said the donation procedure is simple and only requires direct contact with the general manager on 55121212, or with PR official Nasser Al-Fadhly on 66759392 to arrange for a visit to donate or get more information. Donations can be made through any of the following banks: National Bank of Kuwait, Kuwait International Bank and Kuwait Finance House. Donations can be one-time or monthly.