KUWAIT: Kuwait Food Bank (KFB) launched yesterday a food project for more than 4,700 people from needy and families affected by the novel coronavirus pandemic. In a press statement, Deputy Manager of KFB Meshaal Al-Ansari said that the bank continues distributing food baskets as part of the humanitarian role for meeting all needs of those families in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting all government efforts in this regard at the present time.

Ansari added distribution locations were changing according to the locations of the needy families in order to ensure smooth deliveries. He referred to all various projects done by the KFB, such as delivery of meals, food baskets, sanitizing materials and other necessary items.

Ansari praised volunteers' efforts in spite of the hot weather, as he also commended the Kuwaiti society on helping the needy people. He noted that the food bank's projects are being implemented according to an organized plan in coordination with the different government and private sector bodies.

In this regard, he called on the private sector and philanthropists to donate, help and provide the various needs of these needy families throughout the county. Ansari stated that KFB facilitated payments of donations, Zakat and alms, that meet all health requirements set by the health authorities. - KUNA