KUWAIT: Kuwait yesterday confirmed 12 new coronavirus cases during the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 188, said the Health Ministry. During a press conference, the ministry's spokesperson Dr Abdullah Al-Sanad pointed out that four patients were in close contact with persons who had traveled to the UK, two Kuwaitis and two Pilipino residents, one was in contact to a patient recently arrived from Egypt. He added that the sixth case related to a Kuwaiti citizen recently arrived from Brazil, noting that the rest of the cases, their details will be revealed later.

Meanwhile, Health Minister Sheikh Dr Basel Al-Sabah said yesterday that three coronavirus cases have recovered, two cases that belong to Kuwaiti female and male citizens, and a third to a Spanish resident, bringing the number of cases that recovered in the country to 30 cases. Sheikh Basel Al-Sabah added that laboratory and radiological tests showed that these three cases were cured from the virus. The minister stated that the three patients to be transferred to rehabilitation wards in the assigned hospital, in preparation for discharge within the next two days.

In other news, the Ministry of Health has received medical equipment and supplies that would boost the strategic storage in the country thus boost capabilities of curbing spread of coronavirus. The Ministry is keen on providing necessary medical supplies and equipment to better cope with the current situation, the Ministry's Assistant Undersecretary for Medical Supplies Abdullah Al-Bader said in a statement.

He was speaking after a plane loaded with the supplies arrived in Kuwait from China. Bader said the ministry was currently focusing on the return of Kuwaiti citizens who would be tested at the airports before entering the country. The Ministry of Health, he added, has a long-term plan to confront coronavirus. - KUNA