KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Sheikh Ahmad Fahad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah affirmed keenness on strengthening the "deep and distinguished” relationship with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in all fields. "The friendly relations with the PRC are based on cooperation and mutual respect,” he said while attending a celebration, held on Wednesday by China Embassy in Kuwait to mark the 96th anniversary of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Sheikh Ahmad Fahad congratulated the political leadership of China on this occasion, praising the technological advancement and expertise of the PLA.

Chinese Defense Attache Xue Chuanlai

He noted that the Kuwait and the PRC share the desire to promote the bilateral ties in all areas, notably the defense domain. He thanked Ambassador Zhang Jianwei on the invitation to attend the celebration, noting that his response to the invitation reflected the keenness of the political leadership of Kuwait on opening new horizons for cooperation. Chinese Defense Attache Xue Chuanlai welcomed and addressed the guests: "PLA was founded by the Communist Party of China (CPC) on August 1, 1927.

Under the leadership of CPC, the past 96 years have been an extraordinary and glorious journey for the PLA, witnessing its remarkable contribution to China’s independence, liberation, national sovereignty and socialism with Chinese characteristics, as well as regional stability and world peace. "China’s armed forces are a reforming and innovative army. Over the past 96 years, it has evolved from a single-service army into a powerful army with five branches. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, under the strong leadership of President Xi Jinping and the Central Military Commission (CMC), China’s armed forces has carried out the most extensive and profound national defense and military reforms since 1949.

"This reform has reshaped the leadership and command system of the people’s military, the modern military structure, the policies and institutions, injecting fresh life into the people’s military. Now the people’s armed forces have taken solid strides along the path of building a powerful military with Chinese characteristics. A new stage has been initiated in strengthening and revitalizing the armed forces. "China’s armed forces is a responsible and peace-loving army. China will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and adhere to a defense policy that is in nature defensive. China’s national defense modernization does not target or pose a threat to any other country.

A strong military of China is a staunch force for world peace, stability and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. "However, peaceful development isn’t a one-way road or a matter of wishful thinking; it is the common responsibility of all countries in the world, and only when all countries follow the path of peaceful development can we live in peace with each other. To this end, President Xi Jinping has proposed the global security initiative, advocating a new type of security path of dialogue rather than confrontation, partnership rather than alliance, and win-win cooperation rather than zero-sum game, which contributes China’s wisdom in addressing the current complex international security challenges.

"China’s Armed Forces is a fearless and invincible army. Over the past 96 years, it has achieved one victory after another, effectively safeguarding national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. Peace has not come easy and must continue to be safeguarded. The world is now in the midst of eventful years far from peace, with diversified instabilities and security threats lingering on. China is confronted with increasingly complicated external obstacles and challenges that may undermine its stable development. "Confronting the profound changes in our national security environment, China is firm in the resolve to uphold its sovereignty, security and development interests, and will never yield to any external pressure.

Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat

China’s armed forces is keenly aware of the utmost importance and urgency to safeguard national security, remains as vigilant and ready as a strained bow for potential combat, keeps the confidence and ability to deal with security threats and challenges in all directions and fields, enabling us to effectively shape our military posture, manage crises, and deter and win wars. "Kuwait, the pearl of the Gulf, is the first Gulf Arab country to establish diplomatic relations with China, tracing back to 1971. In 2018, bilateral relations embraced a new chapter with the establishment of the China-Kuwait strategic partnership. Since then, under the guidance of the heads of two states, the two sides have seen booming cooperation in various fields, enjoying a promising and bright future.

"As the defense attaché of the China Embassy in the State of Kuwait, I would like to work with my Kuwaiti counterparts to jointly draw a new blueprint between the two militaries. I’d like to witness the important consensus reached by the heads of two states can be actively implemented, and more pragmatic achievements can be realized between us. "I’d like to take the opportunity to offer some suggestions for the militaries’ cooperation. The two militaries should further strengthen high-level exchanges, so as to enhance mutual trust and better lead the bilateral relationship.

The two sides should send more officers to each other’s military academies, so as to further expand military education cooperation. "The two sides should further expand cooperation in military industry and trade, jointly accelerate national defense and military construction, so as to enhance the ability to safeguard national security. The two sides should further strengthen international and regional security cooperation, advocate concerted settlement of regional disputes through diplomatic channels and dialogue, and work together to safeguard world peace, contribute to global development, and uphold international order.”