RBID, Jordan: Kuwaiti-based International Islamic Charitable Organization (IICO) launched on Sunday a project to address learning difficulties for Syrian refugees in Jordan. In remarks to KUNA Sunday, the project's Supreme Committee Head, Bader Al-Sumait, said that the $2 million project stemmed from the strategic vision of the organization, which succeeded over the past three years to implement more than 210 educational projects in 58 countries.

Project to address learning difficulties for Syrian refugees launched in Yarmouk University in Jordan. -- KUNA

Al-Sumait pointed out that the current stage of project, inaugurated today, focused on training teachers and produce good results. Representatives of the Center for Refugee, Displaced Persons and Forced Migration Studies, the Kuwait Humanitarian Excellence Association, the Islamic Development Bank, the Islamic Solidarity Fund, and the Jordanian Yarmouk University participated in the inauguration ceremony. – KUNA