NEW YORK: Kuwait Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Sheikh Jarrah Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah has affirmed states’ sovereignty, independence and territorial sanctity. He has also asserted non-intervention in states’ domestic affairs, resolving conflicts peacefully and abstaining from usage of force, peoples’ right to self determination, bolstering and encouraging respect for human rights.

The Kuwaiti deputy foreign minister was speaking during the UN Security Council session on safeguarding global peace, held on margins of the 78th UN General Assembly session in New York. He underlined significance of the UN charter’s goals and UN principles’ "role in defending small countries.” Kuwait Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Sheikh Jarrah Jaber noted in his speech that the global order currently is facing the toughest test since establishment of the UN in 1945 due to multiple challenges at various levels.

The international community has no choice other than uniting to face regional and international challenges, he said, urging for adherence to the UN charter for attaining global peace and security. Citing some of the objectives outlined in the UN charter, he mentioned states’ right to maintain their independence, territorial sanctity, non-intervention in their local issues, settling conflicts with peaceful means, abstaining from usage of force and establishing cordial relations among the countries, affirming peoples’ right to self determination and respecting human rights.

Kuwait renews its rejection of using force or resorting to threats in the relations among the states, he said. Kuwait which has been following with deep concern hike of tension in Ukraine affirms necessity of adherence to the international law, the UN convention and respect for states sovereignty. Elaborating, he said that the State of Kuwait calls for respecting independence and sovereignty of the Ukraine and renews support for all efforts aimed at restoring calm, de-escalating the violence, giving preference to dialogue and settling the strife through negotiations.

"We also call upon the parties (of the conflict in Ukraine) to abide by rules of the international law and the humanitarian law with respect of protecting the civilians, facilitating safe and rapid delivery of humanitarian aid to the needy,” Ambassador Sheikh Jarrah Jaber said in his speech at the UNSG session. He called for renewing mandate of the deal of exporting grain via the Black Sea and re-called for reforming the UNSG. - KUNA