KUWAIT: His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah chairs the Cabinet’s virtual meeting. — KUNA

KUWAIT: Kuwait will make a decision on Thursday on whether to keep, reduce or end the partial curfew currently imposed as part of the government’s efforts to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The Cabinet made this announcement during a virtual extraordinary meeting on Thursday, in which it also announced transitioning into stage four of the plan to gradually return to normal life.

The Cabinet’s decision to allow the resumption of some businesses amid phase four of the coronavirus restart plan, due on Tuesday, comes after pandemic numbers stabilized, a health official said. These businesses, which were originally scheduled for phase five, include sports gyms and stadia, barbershops, beauty salons, health resorts and tailors, Health Ministry Acting Undersecretary Abdulrahman Al-Mutairi told a press conference. The move will be governed by measures, which are to be announced soon, aimed at compelling adherence to health guidelines, he underlined.

Separately, he said the following phase will allow for public bodies and privately-owned establishments to allow the attendance of over 50 percent of their workforce. It would also allow customers to be seated at restaurants and cafes and the use of public transport while committing to social distancing rules. Asked about the reasons behind daily case numbers remaining between 600-700, he said this was a result of non-compliance with health guidelines.

The ministry has also made contingency plans, monitoring the situation, and will be ready to take action in the event of a second wave of the virus. Kuwait expects to receive vaccinations in the coming months, he added, saying he was confident that "if guidelines are met, there will not be a second wave.”

COVID-19 update

During the Cabinet’s meeting chaired by His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, Minister of Health Sheikh Dr Basel Al-Sabah updated the ministers on the public health situation and the latest developments related to the novel coronavirus, including the figures of recoveries, infections and deaths. The ministers discussed the responses to the pandemic, including the preventive measures and the logistic services, Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Anas Al-Saleh said following the meeting.

After reviewing the recommendations of the ministerial committee on coronavirus, the ministers decided the following: First, maintain the ban on issuance of all kinds of visa for all nationalities unless there is approval from the ministerial committee on coronavirus. Second, resume the football activities as of August 15, 2010, in the framework of preparations for the continental and world events, provided that the activities take place without fans and in keeping with the health precautions.

Third, approve the guidelines set by the cabinet secretariat regarding phases four and five of the gradual easing of the coronavirus lockdowns. Fourth, mandate each minister to implement the measures of phase four relating to their respective ministries starting from Tuesday, August 18, 2020. The ministerial committee is mandated to oversee the commitment of all sectors to the health precautions. — KUNA