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Kuwait blacklists Hezbollah-linked journalists

CAIRO: The Permanent Kuwaiti Representative to the League of Arab States, Ambassador Talal Khalid Al-Mutairi, presented his credentials to Arab League Secretary General Ahmad Abul-Gheit. During the event, Al-Mutairi renewed Kuwait’s appreciation for the role the league played in reinforcing Arab cooperation and relayed Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah’s greetings and wishes to extend joint Arab cooperation.

In a statement to KUNA, Al-Mutairi expressed his appreciation and pride in the high trust bestowed upon him in honor of representing Kuwait in the League, stressing Kuwait’s keenness to support joint Arab cooperation for the benefit of the Arab countries and their people. Al-Mutairi praised the work that Kuwait did in bringing peace and security internationally, strengthening preventative diplomacy, and its humanitarian efforts in providing aid to Arab countries, one of which was the Kuwaiti Air Bridge that provides aid to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. — KUNA

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