KUWAIT: Kuwait University announced that the College of Medicine has received full academic accreditation from the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Medical Education Programs (TEPDAD) and is recognized by the World Federation for Medical Education.

The acting rector of the university, Dr. Fayez Al-Dhafiri, said at a press conference on Monday that this is a great achievement by the Faculty of Medicine. Al-Dhafiri extended his sincere thanks to His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Crown Prince, as well as to all those responsible for this achievement.

He congratulated the entire Kuwait University family for obtaining this full academic accreditation, which is a distinctive step for Kuwait University. The vice rector of the University for Medical Sciences, Dr. Osama Al-Said, congratulated the Faculty of Medicine and the Medical Science Center for obtaining academic accreditation, which adds to a long history of achievements.

The Center for Medical Sciences includes four faculties, including the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy, Health Sciences, Auxiliary Medical Sciences, and Dentistry. - KUNA