KUWAIT: Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) has opened its artificial intelligence (AI) newsroom “KUNA Smart Oasis”, using cutting-edge AI technology in an effort to keep abreast of state-of-the-art media technology. KUNA Director-General Fatma Al-Salem said on Wednesday that “KUNA Smart Oasis” would definitely contribute to revamping the media content quality, production speed and information accuracy.

It would be a significant tool to fulfill the readers’ expectations and ambitions in the light of widescale AI media transformation, she added. AI technology would also make it easier for the agency’s departments to work together by means of sharing files and information, Al-Salem pointed out.

In May, KUNA launched its metaverse-based platform, in addition to its virtual anchor (avatar) as the first Gulf and Arab news agency to use this technology. The project is mainly meant to improve performance and efficiency and encourage innovation and investment in research and development in the artificial intelligence space. - KUNA