Abdulrahman Al-Aoun

KUWAIT: Director General of Kuwait Red Crescent Society Abdulrahman Al-Aoun affirmed on Wednesday necessity of promoting the culture of first aid by training volunteers and personnel of the civil society and state civil servants. Al-Aoun, in a statement during a seminar organized by the society, said first aid is crucial for saving lives, particularly in accidents where quick and correct medical intervention is quite necessary.

Sadeq Karam

The KRCS is seeking to shed light on the medics’ profession and their major role in saving lives of people in critical condition, Al-Aoun has said, affirming that the society will continue to organize training courses to enhance volunteers’ skills and youth potentials.

Meanwhile, Sadeq Karam, the head of the society service at the medical emergency of the Ministry of Health, affirmed in remarks to KUNA necessity of promoting awareness of the adults and children with respect of providing first aid. First aid is quite necessary particularly in cases where the victims suffer from suffocation and fractures, he has indicated.

Aiding Sudan

Meanwhile, Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) and King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center on Wednesday signed a cooperation agreement to aid Sudan. According to the agreement, the KRCS will donate one million dollars to help people affected by the conflict in Sudan, said the society's Secretary General Maha Al-Barjas in a joint statement to KUNA and Kuwait TV.

The donation will also include medical aid and will be delivered in cooperation with King Salman center, she noted. The agreement's signing was attended by Kuwaiti Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Sheikh Sabah Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah. - KUNA