KUWAIT: KIPCO – Kuwait Projects Company (Holding) – announced a partnership with LOYAC, a local non-profit organization that aims to empower youth to become impactful leaders in society. Through this partnership, KIPCO will be sponsoring the ‘7 Habits for Highly Effective Teens’ program sessions that will be offered to youth aged 12 to 18 throughout the year.

The ‘7 Habits’ is a Franklin Covey Education program. The goals of this life empowerment program include increasing self confidence and self-esteem, being responsible, defining one’s values, recognizing and prioritizing goals and resisting peer pressure. Eman Al Awadhi, KIPCO’s Senior Vice President – Corporate Communications and Investor Relations, said: “Both KIPCO and LOYAC share the common desire to contribute to a prosperous society through offering young people the opportunity to evolve into highly effective leaders.

Fareah Al Saqqaf

We are pleased to be working with LOYAC on this personal development program that specifically caters to teens, and we look forward to helping young people reflect on their everyday situations and choices and develop habits that will make them more effective members of the community.” On her part, Fareah Al Saqqaf, LOYAC’s Chairperson and Managing Director, said: “We are proud that KIPCO has become our partner, and we are delighted that the company’s management has taken interest in the ‘7 Habits’, one of the most renowned personal development programs.

At LOYAC, we work with companies that share our vision and goals, and such is KIPCO. We do not believe in quick fixes; we seek sustainable solutions that target the root of problems, thereby building strong and confident individuals who are grounded in their principles and values.

This is what the ‘7 Habits’ program represents.” The ‘7 Habits’ workshops focus on habits of effectiveness in young people, with the objective of improving student performance, reducing conflicts, enhancing cooperation and teamwork. It also helps the participants develop new skills through tools that help each individual excel.