KUWAIT: The number of kidney dialysis patients in Kuwait has increased by 2 percent compared to last year, the Kuwait Nephrology Association said Wednesday. The number of patients this year has reached 2400, said the association, with 54 percent being men.

According to global statistics, there are 850 million patients with kidney disease, making it the most prevalent disease in the world. Dr Anas Al-Yousef, head of the association said chronic kidney failure is the most common condition, with 10 to 15 percent of the world’s population having the disease. Kidney disease, he said, is so common because it’s a silent disease that requires identification through lab tests.

About 100 patients received kidney transplants at Hamid Al-Essa center last year, Yousef, who is also the head of the nephrology unit at the Amiri Hospital, told KUNA Wednesday. More than 400 patients remain on the center’s waitlist and the center is equipped to handle this large number of patients, he added.

"Reducing the high rates of kidney disease across the world requires concerted global efforts. People should maintain moderate blood sugar levels, control their blood pressure, maintain an ideal weight through exercise and adhering to a healthy diet, and refrain from smoking and overusing pain killers,” he said.

Yousef stressed the importance of periodic checkups, specifically for people with kidney disease risk factors, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, as well as those who have a family history of kidney disease. "The best treatment is early diagnosis,” he added.

The association will set up a booth next Saturday at the Avenues Mall to mark World Kidney Day, which falls on Thursday March 9.  Aimed at raising awareness of kidney disease, the booth will include a group of nephrologists and nutritionists who will share educational and scientific materials with the public. Anyone can visit the booth between 10 am to 10 pm. – KUNA