KUWAIT: The Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) on Thursday announced the conclusion of its 44th summer course. 167 students from universities and secondary schools participated in the 4-weeks program. The executive director of marketing and commercial operations at the Institute, Abdul Mohsen Al-Haroun (on behalf of the Acting Director General of the Institute, Dr. Mana Al-Sudairawi), said that the 44th session offered nine scientific programs for the secondary school students.

Al-Haroun added: "These programs included two programs - presented for the first time - one for renewable energy and the other for web development, and the course also included several competitions, a motivational week, and a day for sports activity. The aim of the summer training courses is to establish and train students on the basics and methodology of research.” He praised the efforts of the participating students, who are wonderful models, as they interacted excellently, dynamically, and effectively with the components of the course, saluting their families, who provided them with all the elements of learning, believing that the best investment is in their children.

Ali Alqallaf, Course director
Abdulmehsen Al-Haroun, Executive Marketing Director
Anwar Jaafar

Al-Haroun also praised the efforts of those in charge of the summer course in the department of manpower development, the department of implementation of marketing programs, the department of general technical services and construction projects, researchers and lecturers from various centers and sectors of the institute, state institutions, sponsors, and supporters.

For his part, the director of the course, Dr. Ali Al-Qallaf, said: "The institute, since 1976, has not hesitated to encourage and support young people through the establishment of successive summer training courses to instill the spirit of scientific research among them, develop their abilities, expand the fields of scientific thinking, and expand their horizons in various fields of research and science.

He extended his thanks and gratitude to all those who contributed to the success of this course. Anwar Al-Jaafar (a student) delivered a speech on behalf of the students, in which she thanked the unknown soldiers, officials, and supervisors of the training course, researchers, and scientists who sacrificed their time and efforts to create a generation that raises the name of Kuwait in all fields, expressing her thanks to the Institute for providing the environment and opportunity for them.- KUNA