KUWAIT: Head of Kuwait Environment Protector Society (KEPS) Dr Wijdan Al-Uqab said caring for current issues such as the environment, climate change, alternative energy, water scarcity and sustainable development goals "is not a luxury or a particular interest of environmental specialists". Crises and natural catastrophes related to these issues affect the lives of citizens and expats directly, which calls for attention by National Assembly candidates and their election platforms.
Dr Uqab said the National Assembly has a major role in protecting environmental rights of society members through legislations that protect such rights. Also, the environment protection law of 2014, which was amended in 2015, must be activated to guarantee environmental rights of citizens by not affecting the quality of air, water and land.
She said the Civil Service Commission must move quickly by providing job titles that match academic qualifications and specialties, such as environmental engineering, which is not on the CSC’s job lists. Uqab said elected MPs who will occupy the green seats in Abdullah Al-Salem Hall must think deeply about issues related to the environment and should move the wheels of the development of environmental work in Kuwait, with priority for environmental achievement. She asked voters to elect those who have a high sense of responsibility towards Kuwait to guarantee the integration of the proposed rules and recommendations.