By Ghadeer Ghloum

KUWAIT: Under the patronage and in the presence of Acting General Director of the Public Authority of Manpower Marzouq Al-Otaibi, PAM arranged a joint educational program on Monday. The program was attended by diplomatic missions in Kuwait, where procedures followed by the authority and the interior ministry to protect migrant workers were explained.

Fahad Ali Murad, Deputy General Manager at the Public Authority of Manpower, began by welcoming the attendees and explained the reason behind holding this program. “We are pleased to inform you through this meeting about some of the measures taken to protect the workforce in Kuwait. Our aim is to achieve an organized and stable image through effective management.

Colonel Abdulaziz Al-Kandari

The organization is seeking to launch services to improve housing facilities and establish a dedicated male shelter in collaboration with the International Labor Organization and other organizations. Additionally, procedures for transferring workers from one employer to another are being regulated, and all parties are being involved to safeguard the rights of the workforce in Kuwait,” he said. Col Abdulaziz Al-Kandari explained the role of the general administration of residence affairs investigations.

He said it is the department responsible for receiving reports from PAM regarding absences in the private sector (article 18). It also receives reports regarding domestic workers (article 20) and conducts investigations related to labor issues, including human trafficking suspicions and others. The role of the administration in receiving absconding reports is after the employer submits a letter issued by PAM indicating the worker’s absence (article 18).

As for article 20, the employer should submit a report to the general administration of service centers or the administration of residence affairs investigations indicating the worker’s absence. Upon receiving the report, the administration verifies its accuracy and ensures there is no fraud by discussing the matter with the applicant and providing any necessary evidence if available.

The administration’s role in investigating human trafficking cases is to receive reports from workers if they approach the administration directly or through government-announced social media platforms such as the Sahel application and the ministry of interior’s website. The administration receives investigation orders from the public prosecution regarding complaints and reports submitted by the attorney general. If human trafficking or other offenses are proven, the case is presented to the public prosecution, and further action is taken accordingly.