By Faten Omar

KUWAIT: Ambassador of Japan to Kuwait Yasunari Morino discussed with local media the importance of Japan’s cooperation with Gulf states at the first Japan-GCC Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. "Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi, during the Third Japan-Arab Political Dialogue, explained Japan’s vision for a ‘Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP),’ aimed at leading the world towards cooperation rather than division and confrontation.

Ambassador of Japan to Kuwait Yasunari Morino

He expressed Japan’s hope to collaborate with GCC members in maintaining and strengthening the free and open international order based on the rule of law,” Morino said. The Japanese ambassador emphasized that his country is eager to play a more active role in stabilizing the region and aims to strengthen cooperation with the GCC. Regarding Japan’s efforts towards achieving a carbon-neutral society, he noted: "Energy security is a crucial challenge due to increasing global warming. In this context, it is essential to transition to new energy sources and cooperate at the Gulf level.”

Morino added Kuwaiti-Japanese relations are deep and historical, as Kuwait is considered one of the largest suppliers of oil to Japan, and Japan appreciates Kuwait’s efforts in ensuring energy security. "Japan would like to collaborate with Kuwait to further the transition to new energy. Both Japan and Kuwait contribute to the stability of the region, and both sides can make significant contributions and foster cooperation. Regarding the transition to renewable energy, Japan aims to reach zero carbon emissions by 2050, while Kuwait aims for 2060. Therefore, Japan and Kuwait share a common goal and can enhance their cooperation,” he explained.

The Japanese ambassador highlighted that in June, a forum took place involving private Japanese companies and Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) to discuss ammonia production, transportation methods, modern technologies for future fuels and carbon capture. On another note, he confirmed the presence of many Japanese products in Kuwait, including Japanese-made cars, and numerous Japanese companies operate in various fields in Kuwait, particularly in infrastructure.

Regarding tourism, Morino revealed that his embassy issues between 300 to 400 visas per month, and the number of tourists is increasing, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. He added that Kuwaitis are showing growing interest in Japan and embark on a captivating journey that bridges two distinct cultures. He also pointed out that visas for Kuwaitis are typically issued within three days.