Thirty-five women paraded in Kuwait at the residence of the Italian Ambassador for a fundraising event entirely donated to the Hayatt-Ruqayah Abdul Whahab Al-Qatami Breast Cancer Foundation. The Defilé della Rinascita(Rebirth Fashion Show) a project conceived by Raptus&Rose and the San Bassiano ODV Oncological Association, was hosted for the first time outside Italy, in the gardens of Villa Nassima, the residence of the Italian Ambassador in Kuwait.

The Défilé della Rinascita was born from a question: "Could your Moda Liberata ever parade for our project?" It was in 2016 and who asked that question was Dr Elena Pasquin, psychotherapist of the San Bassiano ODV Oncological Association, of Bassano del Grappa. Who answered with a "Yes" was Silvia Bisconti, creative director and Head of the Defilé della Rinascita, who in 2013 founded Raptus&Rose, a company whose beating heart is an experimental project called Moda Liberata, based on a new and radical idea of fashion: Every woman, every shape, every uniqueness can be explored through the clothes worn to give a new self-awareness.

After the editions in Veneto and Milan, the Défilé della Rinascita fashion show was made for this edition in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Kuwait and Haytt-Ruqayah Abdul Whahab Al-Qatami Breast Cancer Foundation, which finances and follows, through fundraising activities, the therapeutic path of expat patients (non-Kuwaiti citizen) living and working in Kuwait. It was the Italian Ambassador in Kuwait Carlo Baldocci and his wife Cristiana who first desired and then proposed to Raptus&Rose and the San Bassiano Association, to make the Défilé della Rinascita fashion show in Kuwait, after their fashion show, last May, at Castello Sforzesco of Milan, intuiting that this project could be exported to Kuwait to strengthen dialogue and collaboration at all levels between the two Countries.

The Défilé della Rinascita, in fact, also for what it represents from a therapeutic and cultural point of view, is a project that is fully part of the process carried out by the Embassy to bring Italy and Kuwait even closer through people to people initiatives. The Défilé della Rinascitais not just a fashion show, but a care project crossed by beauty, and as Dr Pasquin says," it aims to make women undergoing oncological treatment experience a strong biographical shock, which puts them in confront with the idea of ??beauty that they believed have lost, with the experience that taking care of their femininity is still possible. Living extraordinary experiences can lead the person to a turnaround, with respect to some ways of dealing with life that are toxic and far from the concept of quality and well-being. The Défilé della Rinascita fashion show becomes a therapeutic experience that starts a path of resilience, of awareness of what one can be and can do".


The fashion show lasted just over half an hour: 30 minutes inhabited by a much longer time and which tell many stories, in the shared time of an entire day, up to the crucial moment of getting on the catwalk for the show. From that moment, the models, protagonists of Beauty and Rebirth, go, step by step, along those meters that symbolize the time of the present life, with their heads held high covered with flowers, wrapped in tulle and fabrics of unique pieces created by Raptus&Rose for each of them. Among the 35 women there were also oncologists, nurses and women belonging to civil society, women with different roles who paraded in Kuwait to unite in their common essence: Beauty and love for life.

At the opening of the fashion show, the Ambassador Carlo Baldocci underlined how much this initiative is part of the strong growth dynamics of the relationships between Italy and Kuwait, with reference to the concept of the Défilé della Rinascita fashion show, quoting the poet Pablo Neruda's verse: "Being born is not enough. It is to be reborn that we are born every day."