The British Empire was once known as the one 'on which the sun never sets', because it dominated so many lands from the far east to the far west. I fact, that old name can be used nowadays to describe IS, that mighty power, the 21st century miracle that is becoming active in the far east and west and the sun of its news never sets in various newspapers and satellite TV channels in addition to major leaders' speeches.
In such a short time, IS has attacked the Russian tsars by bombing one of their civilian planes, killing all innocent women and children on board to have Slavic people and Orthodox antagonize Muslims. The funny thing is that IS was confused on declaring how it managed to destroy the plane. They once claimed shooting it down, then they showed a bomb that can never cause such destruction, claiming to have placed it in the luggage compartment. The only thing they were sure of is that they got the bomb passed onboard through Sharm el-Sheikh airport and the entire world immediately believed it and declared boycotting tourism in Egypt.
A few days later, IS struck in the heart of Europe and the capital of light - Paris - that comes second after Russia in accommodating Muslims. Accordingly, all Catholics and French are provoked against Islam and Muslims represented in an organization hoisting the Muslim flag. Radical extreme parties worldwide started showing more hate towarsd Muslims. IS seems not be having enough by chasing Muslims out of their countries - it is also chasing them in countries they migrated to, as if insisting on terminating all Arabs and Muslims.
From East Africa to central Europe and finally to the West Coast of the US. Criminal aimless strikes take place with no clear objective but to defame Muslims and make the most of Anglo Saxon and Protestant peoples antagonize them following several terrorist attacks committed by its twin sister - Al-Qaeda in Mumbai and in Africa. Well, let us wait for the next strikes expected in Latin America very soon!
Hitler led a major industrial nation, conquered major European countries like France, Austria, Holland and Norway, made alliances with Japan, Italy and some of the Balkan countries, and yet collapsed before the Russian-American-British coalition and eventually committed suicide.
On the other hand, Al-Baghdadi still defies the international alliance after five years of war and he is still expanding in Mosul and Raqqa that did not fall like Berlin, Rome and Tokyo. He recently took control over Sirte in Libya to control the Libyan oil crescent. His troops are advancing in southern Yemen, making the entire world laugh its heart out because of our stupidity and ignorance.
I presume that if life is discovered on Mars, IS will send its space 'vehicles' to commit terrorist attacks against them in the name of Arabs and Muslims! - Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-Anbaa
By Sami Abdullatif Al-Nisf