Similar to the concept of heaven in all the religions, paradise can only be a blissful realm in which all one's wishes are granted to him, at no expense of any of his resources, not to mention his time nor his will power! Such a place, is to die for. But away from the religiosity of this age of old concept of paradise, how can we relate it to worldly intelligence? And how much of a paradise can we engineer in this worldly life?
Intelligence gave us medical advancements, astrological and subatomic measurements, linguistically grammar, and the joy of literature. As well as the facilitation of wealth circulation among satisfied societies, as it should. Any thinker realizes that intelligence reduces the expenses of our time and resources in our way to obtain whatever it is that we desire, however there are a more illusory meanings that might not be obvious for most thinkers, such as the invisibility of heaven itself to whom are not "meant" to be in it. There is a vast array of meanings that might not be very obvious to everyone. What are these meanings? To what degree can intelligence make our life heavenly?
Neurons, brain cells, fire electrochemical signals to each other in order to communicate bits of information that are observed by our senses or computed mentally, "figuring things out". The bigger the network of neurons the more "enlightened" the person is. Case in point, the more complex and abundant the networks are about a particular field of knowledge the happier the brain is and the deeper a state of "flow" is reached, because none of all the neurons can activate a communicational process without both the secretion and the observation of a list of happiness hormones, such as the famous dopamine and the less acknowledged, serotonin; not to mention the rest of the list of "life is sweet " hormones that are secreted during all positive cognitions. We can only speculate how a 30 years old career in writing or surgery or even cuisines, washes our brain with these hormones, lifting the spirits to an kind of paradise that is simply unimaginable for whom are not "enlightened" by this unknown circuitries. However, how can we relate the concept of paradise with the notion of time and reservoir of will power?
Humanity's first heart catheterization was in Al-Andalus, by the surgeon Abu-Kasim Al-Zahrawi in 8th century. It was time consuming compared to the Kuwaiti Professor Ibrahim Al-Rashdan's CMT method, Carina Modification Technique, which dramatically decreases the catheterization period, this exemplifies how the advancement of intelligence brings us closer to the instant satisfaction of the heavenly life. Plus, what defines paradise is, security. Being safe for as long as possible from suffering or "penance". How much of this quality we need?
Wise men are thought to be reserved characters, restrained from all worldly forums of indulgence, abstaining from evil, in modern terms, costs and negatives. The wise, will not eat nor drink to harm himself , such MSG's, aspartame products such sodas and junk foods, securing his physiological and psychological serenity. Keeping away from bad social groups, and managing his wealth in a way that optimizes the use of his earnings, regardless of all the temptations.
From fires and caves, to heaters and air-conditions, from scrolls to Google, from pigeons to twitter, from ghost folklore to psychiatric therapy, and from smoke signals to Kuwait Times, intelligence is 'paradisical'. In conclusion, the age old concept of paradise of the hereafter, in all religions is conceptualized as a pleasurable realm of desires automatically and instantly met, without costs nor worries of any ills. Such a place can be found on earth in its more limited version. The more intelligent we are, the closer we will be. Knowledge is light.
Jeri Al-Jeri