KUWAIT: The Ministry of Information announced the signing of a KD 5.050 million (about $5.4 million) contract for the establishment of an integrated digital platform for the ministry. The five-year contract will grant the ministry 10 percent of the net profits. The winning company will take care of the construction, operation, and marketing of the platform.

The official spokesman of the Ministry of Information, Bader Al-Enezi, said: "Under the direct directives of the Minister of Information and Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs Abdul Rahman Al-Mutairi, the contract was signed after taking the necessary approvals from all the regulatory authorities and ensuring the validity of all procedures for the contract.

It is the first of its kind and will yield the highest revenue with expected returns that are unprecedented.” The digital visual and audio media platform is concerned with broadcasting media content in a way that goes beyond traditional methods and models for transferring content through all possible applications. The platform will allow the user to access television content online through his or her subscription.

The subscriber will receive many services, including watching the live broadcast of all Kuwait State TV channels, in addition to listening to all Kuwait State Radio stations, with the possibility of watching new television works as well as listening to new radio programs. Enezi explained that the operating company will produce and purchase programs, series, and films in accordance with the regulations followed by the Ministry of Information.