By Meshaal Al-Enezi
KUWAIT: Upon instructions from Manpower Authority Director Ahmed Al-Moussa the joint committee following up the status of expat laborers led by deputy director for manpower protection affairs Mubarak Al-Azmi inspected several farms in Wafra agricultural area.
The inspection campaign resulted in arresting a number of illegal laborers who had been accommodated inside farms, filing a number of citations against citizens authorized to utilize these plots and filing a number of citations for violating health and safety conditions.
Accordingly, and as part of efforts exerted by the manpower authority in collaboration with various relevant government bodies, Azmi urged relevant departments to suspend the files of the violators.
Private clinics
Kuwait Medical Association (KMA) and Kuwait Dental Association (KDA) announced discussing the issue of reopening private clinics and medical centers with Health Minister Sheikh Dr Basel Al-Sabah. A statement was issued by both associations after the minister's meeting with KMA Chairman Dr Ahmad Al-Enezi, KMA Secretary General Dr Salem Al-Knadari and KDA Chairman Dr Mohammed Dashti.
The statement explained that the meeting discussed proposals on how to re-operate private medical facilities, as they are needed now to reduce the burden shouldered by public hospitals. Both associations stressed that Sheikh Basel expressed full understanding of the points discussed and promised to consider the suggestions very soon.
The meeting also discussed medical associations' role in fighting COVID-19 through volunteers, charity committees, effective contribution in quarantines, hospitals and dealing with passengers arriving or departing through various airport terminals. Notably, in view of the current health situations, MoH closed all private clinics and medical centers effective March 22, 2020 until further notice.