ALGIERS: A vastcrowd of protesters pushing for reforms flooded the streets of Algiers, whilemass rallies were held across Algeria for the first time since ailing presidentAbdelaziz Bouteflika resigned. Activists chanted slogans demanding keyBouteflika loyalists follow his lead and quit, after social media calls for"joyful demonstrations" to "peacefully bring down a dictatorialregime". No official figures were immediately available on the size of therally, but it was at least as big as those held on previous Fridays leading upto Bouteflika's departure, said AFP journalists at the scene. Rallies tookplace in 41 of the country's 48 provinces, according to the official APS newsagency which in a first published slogans highly hostile to those in power.
Opponents of theold regime had called for a massive turnout, targeting a triumvirate they dubthe "3B"-Senate speaker Abdelkader Bensalah, head of theconstitutional council Tayeb Belaiz and Prime Minister Noureddine Bedoui. Theveteran Bouteflika loyalists have been entrusted with overseeing the politicaltransition after the president finally stepped down at the age of 82.Bouteflika resigned late on Tuesday after weeks of demonstrations triggered byhis bid for a fifth term in office. After two decades in power, he had lost thebacking of key supporters including armed forces chief Ahmed Gaid Salah.
'Mistakes made'
Bensalah, speakerof the upper house of parliament for 16 years, is to take the reins as interimpresident for three months until elections are organized. Belaiz, a ministerfor 16 years, was named by Bouteflika as head of the Constitutional Councilwhich will regulate the elections. Before his appointment as prime minister,Bedoui had served as interior minister-or "chief engineer of electoralfraud" according to the El Watan newspaper.
Opponents say allthree are tarnished by their long years of service under Bouteflika and shouldfollow his lead and resign. Meanwhile the country's intelligence services chiefAthmane Tartag has been sacked and his duties handed to the defense ministry,the official APS news agency reported Friday. Informed sources confirmed themove to AFP that the CSS chief had been removed from office.
Even hours beforethe rally started, several hundred demonstrators had gathered outside the mainpost office in central Algiers, which has been the epicenter of the protestmovement. Some shouted "we will not forgive!" in reference to an openletter Bouteflika issued after his resignation, apologizing to the Algerianpeople for "mistakes made". Said Wafi, a bank worker from the nearbycity of Boumerdes, had arrived at 5:00 am in the hope of being "the firstdemonstrator against the system". "Bouteflika leaving means nothingif his men continue to run the country," the 42-year-old said.
'Victory ispartial'
One of theleading voices of the protest movement, lawyer Mustapha Bouchachi, has calledfor the demonstrations to continue "until they have all gone"."Our victory is partial," he said in a video posted online."Algerians will not accept that symbols of the regime... lead the interimperiod and organize the next elections."
But protestorsexpressed hope that the system would see real change. Zoubir Challal, who likemany young unemployed Algerians had considered a dangerous Mediterraneancrossing to seek a better life in Europe, carried a sign bearing the slogan:"For the first time, I don't want to leave you, my country." The hugerally in Algiers concluded early evening, with protesters dispersing peacefullyas on previous Fridays. Demonstrators are calling for new transitionalinstitutions to be set up to implement reforms and organize free elections.
Hamza Meddeb, anindependent analyst in Tunisia, said Algeria was entering "a very delicatephase, because the street and the institutions are at risk of diverging".The army's intentions are a key question, according to analysts. Despiteabandoning his patron Bouteflika, who named him army chief in 2004, GeneralGaid Salah is still seen by protesters as a key defender of the"system". But protestors on Friday chanted: "The army and thepeople are brothers!" Said Zeroual, 75, said he hoped Algeria would regain"our freedom and our sovereignty". "I hope to live long enoughto see democracy in my country," he said. - AFP