By Ghadeer Ghloum
KUWAIT: The Islamic month of Muharram holds great significance for Muslims worldwide. Among the various events during this month, the commemoration of the 10th day of Muharram, known as Ashoura, stands out as an important event. For Shiite Muslims, the significance of Ashoura stems from the tragic events in which Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), along with his family and followers, faced betrayal and martyrdom in Karbala.
The event serves as a symbol of sacrifice, bravery and standing up against oppression. Shiite Muslims hold the commemoration of Ashoura as an expression of mourning and solidarity with Imam Hussain and his companions. Believing that through expressing their sorrow and despair, they can connect with Imam Hussain’s grief, honor his sacrifice and mourn the injustice inflicted upon him and his followers. Thus, they reaffirm their allegiance to the principles of justice, righteousness, and resistance against tyranny.

Like many other countries, Shiites in Kuwait come together to commemorate the sorrowful days of Muharram through visiting the husseiniya, which is a building or a place of gathering for people to commemorate and engage in religious rituals that are related to Imam Hussain. Different activities take place at the husseinya, including prayers, lectures that focus on the life and teachings of Imam Hussain, charity that aims to distribute food, clothing, healthcare, or educational assistance to disadvantaged individuals or communities under the name of Imam Hussain, and commemorations.
Husseiniyas are particularly significant during Muharram, when visitors mourn the martyrdom of Imam Hussain and his companions through recitations of elegies and poetry that talk about the circumstances that Imam Hussain faced during those days. Such acts of generosity and selflessness reflect the teachings of Imam Hussain. Also, the interior ministry in Kuwait plays a pivotal role in maintaining public safety during the days of Muharram. As people gather in large numbers to engage in the mourning rituals, it becomes necessary to provide measures that are meant to control the crowds.

The ministry deploys a considerable number of security personnel in strategic locations, ensuring the smooth flow of movement and preventing any untoward incidents. Moreover, they effectively manage traffic, which tends to be congested due to the increased participation during this period. This is in addition to the general public’s volunteerism in organizing and serving visitors of husseiniyas with personal effort and without any financial reward, as they believe that this brings them spiritual and emotional reward instead of material reward. By doing so, they express their love and sadness at the same time for Imam Hussein and the tragedy that befell him, ensuring that this matter remains alive and is passed down from generation to generation.