KUWAIT: Minister of Health Dr Ahmad Al-Awadhi announced Wednesday the establishment of the Health Communication Center to connect the Ministry with all beneficiaries of health services and various media outlets. Minister Al-Awadhi assigned the official spokesman, Dr Abdullah Al-Sanad, to manage the center.

Dr. Abdullah Al-Sanad

In a press conference broadcast by the ministry, the Minister of Health stressed the importance of communicating with the public and receiving proposals that would contribute to developing the working system and adopting a "two-way”, communication policy.

For his part, Dr Al-Sanad stressed the importance of communication in health institutions, noting that the formation of the center’s database is the most prominent challenge and difficulty facing the health sector.

He pointed out that the center, which consists of six departments, is affiliated with the minister’s office and will begin carrying out the tasks assigned to it next November to achieve optimal and effective communication with the health media or social communication. - KUNA