Health Minister Dr Ali Al-Obaidi

KUWAIT: Minister of Health Dr Ali Al-Obaidi said the decisions on overseas medical treatment are bound to specific technical criterions and fall in the framework of a practical system. "Such decisions are made without interferences by a minister. I have decided to refer a number of medical offices to prosecution over reported irregularities in this regard," he said.

The minister made the comments in an interview with 'Ommah 2016' program on Al-Rai TV station on Friday night. The overseas medical treatment is one of a range of services being offered by the Ministry of Health since the ministry was founded long years ago, he said.

"Under this system, a patient can file a report on his/her medical condition to a four-member consultant committee who can decide on the need of overseas treatment. Their decision should be approved by director of the relevant hospital and then be tabled to undersecretary of the ministry for final endorsement," he explained.

Dr Obaidi affirmed that the office of the minister has nothing to do with such applications. He noted that all decisions made by the competent committees in the recent period were correct and away from any exceptions or nepotism.

"There are 55 such technical committees with a total 275 consultants in hospitals across the country who are known for their integrity and sincerity and serve our fellow citizens pursuant to the provisions of the constitution," he went on. He noted that the doubts cast by some parliamentary hopefuls targeted certain members of such committee not the minister.

He added that the cost of overseas treatment amounted to KD 760 million, noting that the number of Kuwaiti patients being treated abroad topped 2,314, including 1,193 patients in the United States, 462 in the United Kingdom, 370 in Germany and 289 in France. - KUNA