KUWAIT: Martyr’s Office Director General Salah Al-Awfan stressed Wednesday the importance of commemorating the Iraqi invasion, in honor of the sacrifices of the martyrs in the face of aggression. In a statement to KUNA, Awfan said, on the occasion of the office’s exhibition at the Avenues Mall titled (Precious Homeland), this event comes to commemorate the martyrs and learn about their sacrifices and continues until Saturday. The office is also holding another exhibition at 360 Mall that includes images and names of 1,317 martyrs from Kuwait and 14 other nationalities.

Saleh Al-Awfan

It also highlights the role of Kuwaiti women and their sacrifices during the Iraqi invasion, as the number of women martyrs reached 92, he added. Awfan explained that the Martyr’s Office carries a message in spreading the memory of the martyrs and monitoring their heroism in events and programs in a way that contributes to inculcating the values of citizenship and loyalty. He also stressed the keenness of the political leadership to sponsor and support the office in various aspects. He also called on citizens and residents to visit the exhibition to learn about the sacrifices of heroes, especially the generations that did not live in that era.

The images and names of 1,317 martyrs from Kuwait and 14 other nationalities on display.

Martyr’s Office held several other exhibitions in Malls such as Al-Assima, Al-Kout, Al-Hamra and Al-Khairan complexes, in addition to Al-Shaheed Park and Kuwait International Airport (T1). On Tuesday, Martyr’s Office announced the launch of the 20th Martyr’s cultural contest for skill and innovation, set to begin at the start of next school year in cooperation with the education ministry. Awfan said during a press conference at the education ministry on the occasion of the Iraqi invasion anniversary that the values of loyalty and belonging are the most important things "we seek to instill in our students”.

He added that it is "at the core of our duties to publicize the role of martyrs and their memories.” The contest aims at supporting innovation and skill "out of belief in our youth and what their skills that are worthy of praise”. He said cooperation with the education ministry is not the first, as this was proceeded with exchanging visits to scientific museums through schools. He said the contest will start with the school year and continues until February 2024 and will have several sections including poetry, drawing, music, calligraphy and theater.

The students from the intermediate and secondary school grades can participate in the contest. Assistant Acting Undersecretary for educational development and activities at the education ministry Dr Ghanim Al-Suleimani said the Martyrs Office’s initiative has a role in instilling loyalty and the value of sacrifice and agrees with the views of the leadership and Kuwait’s vision. – AFP