KUWAIT: Kuwait'sMinister of Public Works and Minister of State for Housing Dr Jenan Bushehrispoke during a Cabinet meeting on Monday of ongoing infrastructure reformsafter heavy rains battered the country last year. The Cabinet has agreed todedicate a future session to the aforementioned matter, where the governmentexecutives will be discussing what measures the government has taken to repairthe roads affected by the deluge, in addition to progress on major housingprojects.
Meanwhile, theCabinet was informed of a Kuwait Oil Company initiative to address a sewageproblem plaguing Sabah-Al-Ahmad residential area, where puddles of wastewaterhave accumulated. Discussing the problem, the Cabinet decided to assign variousstate bodies, including the Environment Public Authority and the Ministry ofPublic Works, with the task of remedying the issue in a month's time.
During its weeklymeeting at Seif Palace on Monday, the Kuwaiti Cabinet discussed the aftermathof an Arab League emergency ministerial meeting held a day earlier to discussTurkey's military operation in northern Syria. The Egypt-hosted talks, attendedby Kuwait's Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, werecalled to examine Turkey's ongoing military operation against Kurdish fightersin northeast Syria, he told the customary Cabinet meeting, chaired by HisHighness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah.
In the meantime,the Cabinet expressed profound grief after the most powerful typhoon to hitJapan in decades paralyzed the capital Tokyo, leaving millions of peopleevacuated and streets deserted. On the other hand, the Cabinet congratulatedEthiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on winning the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize forhis peacemaking efforts, which ended two decades of acrimony with longtimenemesis Eritrea. The Cabinet went on to deplore an attack on a mosque inBurkina Faso, in which gunmen killed scores of people amid prayers on Fridayevening, saying such "terrorist acts" run counter to humanitarianprinciples. - KUNA