Assembly panel supports new medical practice law

Minister Fahd Al-Shula

KUWAIT: Kuwait Municipality is looking to find a quick mechanism to eradicate the presence of 'bachelors' in model residential areas, a senior government official said. "We are in need of quick mechanisms and strict punishment," Awqaf and Municipal Affairs Minister Fahd Al-Shula told reporters after chairing a meeting of the higher planning committee at Kuwait Municipality yesterday. He said the committee proposes plans and implementation programs and follows them up, as well studies organizational and administrative situations, proposes procedures necessary to develop means of work and enhance performance efficiency, expresses opinion over the budget and follows up work and co-ordination.

Several MPs and public figures have increasingly been demanding in recent weeks for a stronger government action against the illegal practice in which homeowners offer areas in their government houses for rent to single expatriate men. In some cases, like in Salmiya's block 12 for example, residents often complain that entire buildings were abandoned by their original owners and divided into dormitories that are rented entirely by unmarried men who residents accuse of disrupting their privacy and causing 'rampant violations' in the area.

Last week, MP Saleh Ashour called for immediately expelling all single men from block 13 of Salmiya because of the "danger" he said they pose on families living there. While official and public complaints have mostly targeted tenants, it remains unclear whether any governmental procedures taken in the future would expand to cover the original property owners who are in violation of the law.

Medical practice law
Chairman of the parliamentary health committee Humoud Al-Khudair said he supports the new medical practice law and patients' rights, as its draft was released at Kuwait Medical Association, adding that doctors have the right be protected with a law that guarantees their rights, while patients also share the same right. He was speaking during the release of the draft in the presence of MPs, health ministry leaders, the general investigations department, Kuwait Lawyers Association, Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences and a number of NGOs.

He said the old medical practice law 25/1981 must be improved to reflect the most recent medical developments, and praised doctors' efforts and allied professions. KMA chief Dr Ahmad Thuwaini Al-Enezi said the new medical practice law and its features will be ready soon. He said a copy of the new law is on KMA's website so that opinions can be received, in addition to a month-long survey for doctors and concerned legal practitioners. He said the law is a right of patients and doctors, adding that after the survey is completed, KMA will seek approval of the law.

KD 250 million budget
Health Minister Sheikh Dr Basel Al-Sabah said a study conducted by a team from the ministry's information technology department for a unified computerized system for public hospitals and specialized health centers is a preliminary study of the current situation and not for implementation. He said the ministry did not seek any offers or studies from local or foreign companies. With regards to allocating an estimated budget of KD 250 million for the unified computerized system, he said the ministry has not asked the finance ministry for it because the project is just a proposal among many proposals.

Imams' children
Education Minister Hamed Al-Azmi issued a decision accepting children of non-Kuwaiti imams and muezzins in religious institutions provided that the parents live in the geographical location of the institution. The decision will be implemented starting from the 2019-2020 academic year. But the decision stipulates that the priority of admission will be for Kuwaitis.

By Meshaal Al-Enezi and A Saleh