We would like to draw attention to decree 6 of 1962, which approved the administrative division of Kuwait. Subsequently, decree 97/1989 was issued concerning the governorate system, and later, decree 21/1992 was amended by law 18/2000. In addition, the fatwa and legislation department introduced amendments to the governors’ law in 2006, which created the position of vice-governor.The government also pursued a new law to appoint governors and establish two new governorates. These legislative efforts aimed to empower governors and enhance their role in developing their respective governorates. Decree 21 and its subsequent amendments enabled the formation of sub-councils for each area or city to oversee various aspects, including security, cleanliness, landscaping, road maintenance and the provision of essential services.The key question arises: When will the governors, or some of them, begin to fulfill the duties outlined in decree 21 and its amendments? These duties, emphasized 13 times, grant governors significant authority to transform their governorates into clean and beautiful paradises. Have any governors established sub-councils for the areas within their governorates to monitor the work of ministers in those regions and report back to the governor, who possesses the legal authority to ensure ministers carry out necessary improvements within his jurisdiction?In many areas, issues persist, such as unsightly encroachments on roads, dead trees, deteriorating streets and unsightly graffiti or damaged property. Reckless youth pose a danger by driving recklessly, especially during the rainy season. Cooperative branches have turned into trash landfills, mosque courtyards have been encroached upon, and green spaces meant for children in some areas have become neglected storage areas plagued by rodents and filth. Neglected maintenance has turned walking areas into ruins, and some areas lack the aesthetic touches that bring joy to their residents.If I were a governor, I would swiftly implement the law and establish councils for each area or city comprised of retired Kuwaitis, assigning each responsibility for beautification and development in their designated block. Governors, according to the law, wield significant legal authority and can advocate for increased budgets and support teams from their respective areas. I believe the government would welcome this creative and innovative approach. The government must select governors wisely, as they represent the future of Kuwait.Many of the world's most successful and beautiful countries owe their success to creative governors. It is high time to move beyond the old mindset that governors must be former leaders or individuals with a military or police background, or those chosen for political expediency. Instead, let us select active Kuwaiti personalities who are creative and deeply connected to their areas. By fostering competition between governorates, we can tap into the competitive spirit of the Kuwaiti people. This is the surest path to a more beautiful and cleaner Kuwait.local@kuwaittimes.com