By Faten Omar

KUWAIT: Ambassador of France to Kuwait Claire Le Flecher praised Kuwaiti-French relations, indicating the visit of Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Salem Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah was fruitful, as he met French Minister of Foreign Affairs Catherine Colonna and discussed many issues of common concern. She revealed the Schengen visa issue was also discussed between the ministers. “I am happy to announce that a positive judgment was reached in Brussels in order to allow the ‘CASCADE’ visa mechanism for Kuwaiti citizens.

It means that Kuwaitis will, hopefully soon, be given long-duration visas following their first demand of a Schengen visa,” she said. “Our minister raised the issues of family visas and driving licenses during the visit to Paris, so be sure that they are taken into account at the highest level, and we have received assurances that the Kuwaiti authorities will work quickly to lift these restrictions,” she stressed. The French ambassador was speaking during a reception held on Wednesday on the occasion of the National Day of France.

“This celebration is an unwavering commitment to the cultural heritage of France. We celebrate the French way of life, which has inspired countless poets, writers and thinkers throughout history,” she said. “This year, like last year, our joy is unfortunately clouded by the unprovoked war in Ukraine launched by Russia, with its load of human rights violations which I have no doubt will be investigated by the International Criminal Court. We can only hope that this all stops as early as possible, with a victory of Ukraine.

The audience
The audience
Ambassador of France to Kuwait Claire Le Flecher.— Photos By Yasser Al-Zayat
Ambassador of France to Kuwait Claire Le Flecher.— Photos By Yasser Al-Zayat
Sheikh Jarrah Al-Sabah, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs takes a photo with the Ambassador of France to Kuwait Claire Le Flecher.
Sheikh Jarrah Al-Sabah, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs takes a photo with the Ambassador of France to Kuwait Claire Le Flecher.

I know all Kuwaitis share this approach because they have experienced themselves the suffering of an invasion,” she pointed out. Le Flecher indicated France and Kuwait have a lot in common in their quest for regional stability, and they are engaged in promoting peace in the Middle East, notably for a viable solution for the Palestinian people. Regarding the meeting of the Kuwait and French minister of foreign affairs, she said: “The two ministers welcomed the restoration of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, hoping it will have positive effects on the situation in Lebanon and Yemen.

Also, they encouraged the spirit of cooperation of the upcoming Bagdad III conference that will take place in Bagdad in the fall, which will promote regional connectivity and development.” Concerning trade between the two countries, she said the French and Kuwaiti ministers welcomed the vibrant economic relationship. “France has become the largest European client of the clean fuel project. Beyond trade, our long-lasting investment relationship is a testimony of the trust and the depth of interests that govern our relationship.

Our historic cultural and educational cooperation is also a testimony to our strong friendship,” she said. “The year was rich in events, such as the final of the World Cup and the month of La Francophonie, brought us together around festive events. The Pearl of the West exercise, which saw the deployment of 500 French soldiers on Kuwaiti soil, and more recently the Arabian Breeze exercise, brilliantly illustrated the knowhow of our armies,” Le Flecher added.