KUWAIT: Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on Tuesday met with the chairman of the Kuwaiti Association of families of martyrs, prisoners and the missing, Fayez Al-Anzi and board member Nawaf Al-Huwaider. The Foreign Ministry said that during the meeting, they reviewed the great efforts being made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs towards the file of Kuwaiti prisoners and missing persons and nationals of other countries and the role of Kuwaiti diplomacy towards this important file.

During the meeting, the Foreign Minister recalled the eternal sacrifices made by the Kuwaiti martyrs towards the homeland, who set the most wonderful examples of patriotism and redemption and recorded their names in honor and heroism with courage and valor. He added that their memory will remain eternal and unforgettable in the hearts and minds of all Kuwaitis.

He also recalled the recent success of Kuwait and the tireless efforts exerted by the concerned authorities in the state in determining the fate of the martyr Hamdan Mohammed Hamdan Al-Mutairi after identifying him through the identification process by genetic analysis of fingerprint. Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah stressed that this humanitarian file is of high importance by the political leadership in Kuwait and is high on the priorities of Kuwaiti diplomacy and the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Al-Anzi presented a review of the efforts of the Kuwaiti Association of families of martyrs, prisoners and missing and also presented a copy of an encyclopedic edition of the Kuwaiti Association of families of martyrs, prisoners and missing which documents the names, data and photos of the martyrs. - KUNA