KUWAIT: Several people from the same family suffered gunshot wounds following a shooting spree caused by family disputes. According to the police report, a citizen entered his relatives' house and started shooting, injuring five persons including a 12-year-old boy, before people who were in the diwaniya put the man under control and managed to take the pistol away from him. The man managed to escape before police arrived to the scene. The men at the scene handed the pistol over to police, as an investigation went on in search for the suspect who faces charges of attempted murder, possession of an unlicensed firearm and entering a house without permission.

Foul play

A homicide investigation went underway in the death of a woman in her thirties whose body was found recently at a house under construction in Jaber Al-Ali. Crime scene investigators found evidence of foul play at the place where the woman was found by the home owner who reported the incident to police. The body was taken to the forensics department to first have the victim's identity determined as detectives did not find any IDs on her. In a separate case, an Indian man's body was sent to the forensics department to determine the cause of his death, after his friend brought him in to the police station. A case was filed for investigations.

Domestic assault

Police responded to a call about a family dispute in Bayan. When they arrived to the scene, they found out that a couple had engaged in a fight. The husband, a pilot, said that his wife beat him, but the woman denied his claims and alleged that he was the one who physically assaulted her. A case was filed for investigations. Meanwhile, police found a man and a woman exchanging insults over a dispute in Maidan Hawally. Police later let the couple go after the woman, a citizen, refused to lodge a complaint.

Suspected fraud

An investigation was launched to find out how a bank account was opened without its owner's knowledge. A security source said that a citizen told Khaitan police that he was an inmate at the Central Prison, and after he was released, he went to open an account. He was surprised however when he was told that there is an account already opened with his name, and that it has money deposited in it. He said that the bank employees told him that the account was opened in 2013, and is active.

Students hurt

Fireworks caused two students to suffer smoke inhalation in Mubarak Al-Kabeer, a few days after a similar incident happened at Daman bilingual school. In the latest incident, students used fireworks that caused thick smoke, causing two girls to suffocate as they were taken to Adan hospital for treatment. The incident happened during an activity students call 'Senior Prank Day' during which students carry out activities outside the school as a way to have good memories during their graduation year. - Translated from the Arabic press