By Ahmed Sabeeh

KUWAIT: Creating a conducive work environment is essential in today's competitive job market, particularly for high-stress and critical-thinking roles such as emergency services and leadership positions. Employers increasingly rely on personality assessments to unlock the secret to stronger teams and a better job match. Human Resources Manager Yousef Rahimi emphasized the importance of understanding emotional intelligence, which comprises self-awareness, empathy, motivation, self-regulation and social skills.

"The most important aspect of working with employees is having a fundamental grasp of emotional intelligence. If an employer possesses these criteria, it increases the likelihood of them being a good employee," Rahimi said. According to a recent poll conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management, 32 percent of human resource professionals use personality tests to assess candidates for executive-level positions, while 28 percent use them for evaluating individuals applying for middle management roles.

"Personality assessment is the most critical step in the hiring process, as it allows us to understand an individual's personality before they start working," Rahimi added. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one of the most widely used personality assessments, examining four key dimensions: Extraversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling and judging/perceiving. Understanding these characteristics improves collaboration and communication among coworkers. Approximately 80 percent of Fortune 500 companies use personality assessments like the MBTI for coaching, development and team building.

It is crucial, however, to ensure ethical use to prevent violations and discrimination. Similarly, the Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) is renowned for assessing emotional stability, responsibility and suitability for sensitive work environments. "Personality tests reveal ethics, attitudes, morals, and dignity in employees," Rahimi noted. This assessment has garnered scientific acclaim for its thorough research. Additionally, the Portland Community College-endorsed DISC personality evaluation helps employers better understand their employees, promoting productivity, communication and cooperation by providing insights into diverse personality traits.

Incorporating personality assessments offers numerous benefits. Employees who gain a deeper understanding of one another contribute to improved team dynamics, leading to decreased turnover rates as candidates find more suitable employment. Rahimi suggested that implementing personality tests in Kuwait could enhance the employment rate and reduce nepotism, as employers could objectively identify good employees. While personality assessments have proven their value in creating thriving work environments, it is essential to handle them responsibly and ethically.

By using these tools cautiously, workplaces can foster harmony and productivity, making employees feel appreciated and inspired to give their best effort. According to Rahimi: “The most important aspect of employees is their emotional intelligence. Personality assessments undeniably influence the formation of productive work environments. Employers who invest in gaining a deeper understanding of their workforce enjoy harmonious and productive workplaces. Remember that creating a positive work environment benefits both employers and employees."