It is disappointing that many of the activities or events that we used to attend or visit for free - even those that one has to pay for in other countries such as museums - are no longer gratis. For instance, fairs or exhibitions were always free of charge, but now there are some that require entrance fees, although the visitor will not get any service for this payment.
Most of these fairs are about shopping, so there is nothing to see and nothing that entertains. In some of these fairs and bazaars, the only thing to do is shop and eat and yet we are asked to pay an entrance fee? So we are now paying to be allowed the privilege of buying things?
Events that aim to promote a subculture like cosplay or sporting events often require a registration fee but if the purpose is to grow the community, how can this happen when it has become too expensive just to take part? Why does everything have to be turned into a for profit business? I enjoy taking part in walkathons but not when they cost more than a weekend holiday.
Many of these activities were once organized by public institutions or else as CSR initiatives but more and more are actual profit generating activities.
Sports events, particularly marathons, walkathons and others, were also known to be free of charge to enter. Many of these races were organized by private and even public institutions. The purpose was to encourage people to practice sport after various ailments spread in the society related to a sedentary lifestyle, such as obesity, diabetes and many others.
Participation was always free of charge, but it seems that after these events got successful and highly attended by the public, organizers started to hold these races for a registration fee. They defend the charges by saying most or part of the revenues from entry fees is donated to charity.
People are still participating in these sports activities even after fees were introduced, which encouraged even more new entities to organize similar activities, as they can make good profits. Maybe more activities that are currently free will soon become paid-for events, as it seems most people don't mind paying!