High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission in the Juncker Commission, Federica Mogherini (L) and Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs Bruno Rodriguez attend a press conference in Havana on March 11, 2016. The EU and Cuba signed a deal Friday to normalize relations, including a deal on the delicate issue of human rights -- a breakthrough just ahead of US President Barack Obama's historic visit to the island. EU and Cuban officials signed the agreement, the culmination of nearly two years of intense negotiations, during a visit to Havana by European foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini.      AFP PHOTO/YAMIL LAGE
High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission in the Juncker Commission, Federica Mogherini (L) and Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs Bruno Rodriguez attend a press conference in Havana on March 11, 2016. The EU and Cuba signed a deal Friday to normalize relations, including a deal on the delicate issue of human rights -- a breakthrough just ahead of US President Barack Obama's historic visit to the island. EU and Cuban officials signed the agreement, the culmination of nearly two years of intense negotiations, during a visit to Havana by European foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini. AFP PHOTO/YAMIL LAGE

EU, Cuba normalize ties in 'historic step' - A step toward ending Cuba's status as a pariah

KUWAIT: The final exams for the 2023–24 first semester started on Wednesday for some 129,500 students in both intermediate schools as well as the tenth and 11th grades of high school. The Ministry of Education fulfilled all necessary requirements in preparation for students’ eagerness to perform their best to succeed in their studies and cultivate a bright future for Kuwait.

Meanwhile, Kuwait Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr Adel Al-Manea congratulated His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on taking the constitutional oath, becoming the 17th Amir of Kuwait. Dr Al-Manea expressed his wishes for good health and welfare for the Amir and hoped for continuous prosperity and developments for the country and a brighter future for the people of Kuwait. — KUNA

If we let our minds think critically about what we hear, most rumors spread for various reasons, especially on social media, would disappear. Always make good use of your brains. If optimism prevailed in our hearts, the flame of rage that drives som...
When we were children, before social media appeared and technology developed, the time to read a story was sacred to us. Wonderful stories published by well-known publishing companies occupied our time, and we eagerly anticipated the new editions of...