By Ahmed Sabeeh

KUWAIT: Life coach Oraib Al-Fouzan has highlighted the intriguing fact that some individuals, even when married or part of a family, experience a sense of loneliness deep within them. In an age of digital interconnectedness, it's astonishing to discover that human loneliness still lingers. This article delves into the often overlooked realms of solitude, revealing its profound impact on mental, emotional and physical well-being. Within this exploration, we uncover the intertwined causes and consequences that shed light on the far-reaching effects of this seemingly silent companion on both individuals and society at large.

To truly understand loneliness, we must ponder whether we are genuinely alone or if it's merely an unpleasant emotional response to perceived isolation. According to Fouzan, self-analysis can help us navigate this question. One useful tool for self-analysis is the "Wheel of Life", where one of the points is the path towards positive distraction. Fouzan advises that coping with loneliness involves fostering a positive mindset and stepping out of one's comfort zone. He suggests setting small goals, such as making a cup of tea or tidying your bed, as a way to engage with activities and promote kindness.

This article delves into the enigma of loneliness by weaving together insights from psychological research and personal anecdotes. It unravels the intricate origins of this emotion, influenced by societal shifts, technological advances and changing modes of interpersonal connection. By exploring these strategies, readers are encouraged to fortify themselves against loneliness and nurture meaningful relationships. Social well-being emerges as a guiding principle in response to our increasingly isolated lives.

Surprisingly, loneliness can sometimes have a positive impact on one's life. Spending time alone can provide an opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth. As psychotherapist Amy Morin points out, "Alone time increases empathy." It allows individuals to develop a greater sense of compassion for those outside their immediate social circle, fostering a more inclusive mindset. As our narrative approaches its conclusion, an inspiring vision emerges: A united community empowered to bridge gaps between individuals and foster connections that diminish the pervasive influence of solitude.