KUWAIT: According to the NRC yesterday, charitable organizations from Kuwait donated over 10 million euros towards eighteen Islamic organizations in the Netherlands. The NRC reports were based on a confidential overview of Kuwaiti gifts that the Gulf State provided to the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Kuwait is the first Gulf State to give Netherlands an overview of its gifts and donations to institutions in the country. The overview shows the amounts Kuwait donated between 2007 and 2015.
The report was well-received expect for a noted gift towards the controversial Al Fitrah mosque in the city of Utrecht. The donation was sent from the Revival of Islamic Heritage Society, which is included on the US list of organizations funding terrorism. The document shows that Al Fitrah received money from the organization in 2012 to build a new mosque, despite denying this claim last year, the NRC said.
The mosque has denied all terror claims and told the authorities that it has no financial ties with any terrorist organizations in Kuwait. The document only covers donations from charities, not private individuals. Some extremely moderate organisations also benefited from extra money for a wide range of uses, including paying for Qurans to distribute and new mosque buildings, the paper said.