KUWAIT: Hawally Security Director Brig Abdeen Al-Abdeen sent several drug users including a Kuwaiti woman to the Drugs Control General Department (DCGD). A security source said police patrols in Mishref arrested an Egyptian man with shabu. Meanwhile, police noticed a car being driven erratically by a woman, who was found wanted to serve a three-year jail sentence. Police found 'spice' and 'shabu' drugs in her bag, while a bedoon who was with her had shabu and drugs paraphernalia on him.
Stray bullet
A stray bullet penetrated the window of an intermediate school in Taima and created fear amongst students. Criminal evidence personnel inspected the scene, and detectives are investigating. A case was filed
Woman assaulted
A citizen attacked a woman before ending up held at the Jabriya police station. Several passersby witnessed the beating and called interior ministry operations. A Hawally patrol went to the area and noticed a woman fleeing from a man who was beating her. Police caught him and freed the woman. The suspect, a citizen, and the woman, also a citizen, were questioned. The woman said she knows the man, but a dispute took place between them because he interferes in her personal affairs. A complaint was lodged.
Abnormal condition
Police arrested three persons who were in an abnormal condition. They were caught while using heroin, and had 13 bags on them. One of the arrested persons was found wanted to serve a seven-year jail sentence. The suspects were sent to DCGD for further legal action.
Man in trouble
A citizen put his cousin in trouble following his arrest in Jahra. He claimed the car, which contained drugs, belonged to his cousin and he did not know anything about its contents. The citizen was sent to DCGD for further legal action.
Drug possession
Ahmadi police arrested a bedoon man after finding three shabu envelopes, six capsules of narcotics, 105 capsules of a red substance, in addition to drugs paraphernalia on him. The suspect, an ex-convict, was sent to concerned authorities. - Al-Rai, Al-Anbaa