KUWAIT: Head of the internal medicine department at the Amiri Hospital, Dr Osan Al-Muhaini, warned of the danger of exposure to sunlight for long periods of time, especially with the high temperatures the country is currently witnessing. The heat, he said, may cause gastrointestinal issues, heat stress and sunstroke if one is not careful. In a statement to the Kuwaiti news agency (KUNA) on Tuesday, Dr Al-Muhaini called for the need to avoid sunlight and wear protective headwear, specifically in the period from 11 am to 3 pm.

He said that with rising temperatures, some types of viruses and microbes are active that cause diseases and unpleasant health symptoms, stressing that most diseases associated with summertime are not dangerous if handled properly. He added that among the most prominent of these diseases are microbes that infect the digestive system and cause vomiting and diarrhea, pointing out that they are treated by intestinal disinfectants, antibiotics and drugs that reduce fever. He urged people to drink a lot of water and fluids if the symptoms are accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea.

Dr Osan Al-Muhaini

He explained that with the high temperature and the strength of the sun rays in the summer period, the incidence of intestinal inflammation increases, which causes dehydration, stressing that drinking fluids is very important to avoid complications. Eating vegetables, which compensates the body for the lack of salts and minerals and reduces the occurrence of dehydration, as well as wearing protective headwear when spending time outdoors at peak hours, are very important, said Dr Al-Muhaini. Air conditioners, he said, are a double-edged sword because the transition from the hot outdoors to the cool indoors could put people at risk.

Heat stress is also a common disease during the summer and is often contracted by those who work in professions during which they are exposed to the sun for long periods. Its symptoms include a high fever, impaired consciousness, as well as fainting, vomiting, abdominal pain and other symptoms. He pointed out that heat stress can lead to greater health problems if it is not dealt with quickly by moving the injured away from the sun and giving them fever-reducing medicine and having them drink fluids as much as possible if there’s no vomiting. In case of vomiting, fluids can be administered through solutions.

Prolonged exposure to sunlight may cause a person to get heat stroke, which is much more dangerous than heat stress because it directly affects the center of consciousness in the brain. In that case, a person loses consciousness quickly and if not dealt with quickly may lead to serious complications. He emphasized the importance of frequent bathing during the summer to reduce sweating and dehydration. In addition, he called for maintaining the cleanliness of surfaces continuously, washing hands before eating, staying away from direct sunlight, and wearing light cotton clothes. – KUNA