There has been an enormous amount of negativity in Kuwait of late. From the regional political situation to the stagnant economy, everyone seems stressed, worried and more than a little insecure about what the future will hold.
In uncertain times, people often hunker down, closing themselves off and waiting for better times. This is a natural tendency and makes sense but it will not help a society or a country to thrive. Moreover, in times of uncertainty, it feels like the individual is powerless to bring about positive change. Yet there are still things one can do, even if they seem small or unimportant, that can have a huge and constructive impact on society.
Volunteering helps not only those in need but also everyone else in a society. It alleviates the suffering and difficulties faced by those in need and at the same time, helps the rest of us gain an understanding of the different challenges people can face in life. We become more empathetic and more grateful for our own circumstances, no matter how difficult or challenging they may seem.
There are many organizations in Kuwait that are open to volunteering. Here are a few to consider if you have the time to commit for a few hours a week to helping others.
Abeer2 - Abeer2 works with people mental disabilities in collaboration with parents under the umbrella of the Voluntary Work Center in Kuwait.
- Local human rights and women's right activist group advocating for women's equality before the law.
AlKout Youth Group - A youth volunteer group that believe in doing good and serving society and the country.
+965 66878712
BAACH - Bayt Abdullah Children's Hospice provides care and support to children with life limiting or life threatening illnesses.
Basta Kuwait - A local and sustainable non profit organization that focuses on buying, selling and donating clothing, home goods and books.
[email protected]
Dar Al-Athar Al-Islamiyyah - Local cultural organization and museum that provides educational opportunities for children, cultural programs and viewing of the Al-Sabah collection.
Injaz-Kuwait - Works with students ages 11-24 years through implementing programs in middle schools, high schools, vocational colleges and universities to prepare them for the future.
KAACH - Kuwait Association for the Care of Children in Hospital helps children and their families cope with the stresses of hospitalization.
Kareq8 - local animal protection organization that adopts or helps rescue abandoned animals.
Kharaf Activity Kids Center - provides play-based learning environment for children with disabilities and special needs.
Kuwait Cancer Control Center - provides care and support for people with cancer. Contact the KCCC Social Work department at 2484-9100 ext. 5097/5092/5132.
Kuwait Red Crescent Society - Provides aid and relief for communities in need. Training for volunteers available.
Loyac - Organizes a variety of social and community based programs for the enrichment of Kuwait.
ReFood - Local food back that provides food for those in need.
Spread Passion - Local volunteering organization focused on charitable works.
By Jamie Etheridge
[email protected]