KUWAIT: Members of the Diplomatic Women's Committee pose for a group photo.
KUWAIT: The Diplomatic Women's Committee concluded its cultural exchange season for the year 2020/2021 in an exclusive farewell meeting with the wives of the departing ambassadors after the end of their diplomatic tenures in the State of Kuwait. The meeting was headed by the president of the committee Maria Angela, Spouse of the Ambassador of the Republic of Venezuela, Narjis Al-Shatti, the Advisor of the Committee and Fouzia Abdul Basit, Media and Public Relations officer.
The invitees were Spouse of the Ambassador of the Republic of Djibouti, Spouse of the Ambassador of the Republic of Ethiopia, Spouse of the Ambassador of the Republic of Mauritania and the Consular of Embassy of the Republic of South Africa and members of DWC from other countries.
Participants shared their memorable experience in Kuwait and said that Kuwait truly deserves the title of "the country of humanity and peace" for what the State of Kuwait has provided them with great support, valuable assistance and a distinguished social life during their stay. They also acknowledged the DWC for playing a great role as a bridge that links Kuwaiti society with the countries of the world in all aspects.