KUWAIT: The Interior Ministry said on Tuesday that the men of the General Directorate of Drug Control struck a preemptive blow to drug dealers by thwarting the smuggling of two kilograms of pure heroin into the country. The ministry explained in a statement to the General Directorate of Security Relations and Media that this comes within the efforts of the criminal security department and the intensification of search and investigation operations on everyone who tries to smuggle narcotic substances into the country to protect everyone from this dangerous scourge.

The official added that the anti-drug men thwarted the smuggling operation. One Asian tried to smuggle the two kilograms of pure heroin into the country through one of the air cargo companies inside a package and hid them inside steel pipes in an innovative way. The accused has been referred to the competent authority for necessary legal action. Security operatives are directing preemptive strikes at drug dealers and smugglers. Officials called on everyone to cooperate with the security men and report any negative phenomena using the emergency phone (112) and the hotline of the General Department of Drug Control (1884141). - KUNA