KUWAIT: An informed security source said criminal detectives, on the orders of Director General Major General Abdelhameed Al-Awadhi, ordered the deportation of six European women after discovering they had arrived in Kuwait to provide sexual services for $1,000 per hour. The source said investigations revealed that the women, who came from two European countries, work for a prostitution network that operates through the Internet, and they were asked to come to the country and not move from their hotels until they received calls from the network's officials.

The women stayed in mostly five-star hotels, entering the country taking advantage of the visa waiver scheme. The six also did not know each other. The women were arrested with some money with them. They said they do not take money directly from customers, but sometimes they get tips.

Passports forgery

Interior Ministry's Assistant Undersecretary for Nationality and Passports Affairs Major General Mazen Al-Jarrah said three Saudi brothers received Kuwait nationality using different files of Kuwaitis, as each added himself on the file of a different 'father'. The forgery did not last long, and the three were arrested and taken to the public prosecution for questioning.

Smuggling foiled

An Asian man was arrested at Kuwait International Airport for attempting to smuggle around 3 kg of marijuana hidden in a bag of vegetables. He was sent to concerned authorities. Separately, Nuwaiseeb border outlet customs officers foiled an attempt of a Gulf national to smuggle 170 illicit tablets on his arrival into the country. A customs officer said the man seemed nervous and worried, then when his car was searched the tablets were found. He was sent to concerned authorities.

Reckless driver arrested

Jahra police arrested a juvenile who drove recklessly in Sulaibiya. A security source said patrol officers saw the driver of a sports car showing off and endangering the lives of others. He was asked to stop but refused. A policeman tried to stop him by ramming his car, but the suspect was able to escape, and police spent 14 hours looking for him before he was arrested.

Liquor possession

An Asian man was sent to the Drugs Control General Department with large quantities of liquor. A police patrol officer noticed a bus on the road across from Hadiya, and when a police patrol vehicle stopped behind it, the driver fled on foot and almost was run over attempting to cross the highway, but he was caught. When the bus was searched, a large quantity of locally-made liquor was found. The suspect said he was going to sell it after getting it from Abu Halifa. - Al-Anbaa