KUWAIT: Dominating the table during the Holy Month of Ramadan, traditional sweets such as 'Al-Gubbait', Cotton Candy, and others become the most common desserts enjoyed by Kuwaitis of all ages. Shops selling these desserts flourish during Ramadan with many customers buying loads of these items to satisfy their 'sweet tooth'. "There are certain kinds of traditional sweet prepared for the Holy Month of Ramadan and our shop takes care of attending to the needs of the masses," Abdullah Ahmad Buftain, owner of Al-Kawakeb (planets) shop said. Carrying on a legacy which began in the mid-1940s, Buftain said that the shop, established by Rashed bin Jum'a Buftain, continued to serve Kuwaitis with the most delicious sweets since opening.

He added that different sweets were made to accommodate the needs of clients each season. Sweets are made 100 percent locally with very few materials being imported from abroad, he noted. Buftain said that each type of sweet was carefully prepared to make sure that the final product was topnotch. According to him, many of the local sweets shared a common heritage amongst the countries in the region; however, Kuwait did excel in producing 'Rahash', a thick paste dessert with a strong sugary flavor definitely not suitable for those with diabetes. - KUNA