KUWAIT: A motorist called police after spotting a dead man in a car in the Jahra desert. Policemen and paramedics arrived at the scene and confirmed the death, and there are suspicions of foul play. The public prosecution was informed and forensics experts were called in. They referred the body to the coroner. Investigations are continuing.
Stray bullet hits car
A stray bullet penetrated the body of a citizen’s car near Abu Al-Hasaniya on Tuesday while he was driving to work. He did not accuse anyone as the incident took place on a highway.
Bedoon mugged
Jahra detectives arrested three citizens who mugged a bedoon at gunpoint. The three confessed to the crime, saying it was to settle a financial dispute. The bedoon lodged a complaint at Jahra police station, saying the three waited for him near his house and ambushed him. Police recovered the pistol and found it is not licensed.
Bloody fight in Khaitan
Farwaniya police arrested some Pakistanis involved in a bloody fight in Khaitan. Police found the fight was between three persons against two. Investigations are underway to find the reason behind the fight. - Al-Rai