By Fatima Nasser Al-Azmi

Were you the victim of electronic hacking? Were you blackmailed by an encroachment on your privacy and personal data, or theft from your bank accounts? Or maybe some hackers impersonated you and took over your social media accounts? The vast and quick development of information technology, and the use of networks make us prone to all of this, be it individually or jointly.

Electronic hacking is of many types and advanced methods, while countries are exposed to having their security compromised by the violation of their systems and networks, and this will endanger their security with the illegal usage of data. So they are in need of several procedures to protect their systems against digital and electronic attacks that make them the target of their enemy.

Cyber security is the measure developed countries are keen to have in order to protect their structures, systems and security apparatus, in addition to military establishments, people and infrastructure, as they are threatened with danger, as technology controls all aspects of life. You may remember the cyberattack against Venezuela's electricity grid, targeting the power distribution system that created a major power supply crisis. So we all are prone to such an electronic attack by Internet gangs.

Many questions come to mind with regards to cyber security and data security issues, as well as types of hacking and means of protecting ourselves and our smartphones from these attacks that may damage our reputation, and damage the country as a whole at a high cost. So we are in need of a strong system to confront these destructive attacks.

Many questions came to my mind regarding cyber security, protection of the confidentially of data against theft and blackmail, threatening of national security and other questions that I found complete and satisfactory answers for when I attended the second Kuwait hackers conference held under the slogan 'together… we build Kuwait cyber security'. Lectures and informative workshops were held that dealt with many important subjects with regards to cyber security.

Greetings to the Kuwaiti youth who managed this conference - they are youth we are proud of, and an example that should be followed and who deserve support and encouragement. The participation of the state's official bodies was necessary due to the importance of the conference and its contents.