KUWAIT: The Head of the National Center for Cyber Security, Major General, Eng Mohammad Bouarraki, affirmed the center’s keenness to build a leading and effective national system that supports and enhances development, prosperity and economy in Kuwait. During an interview with KUNA on Monday, he said the system would protect Kuwait’s national interests from internal and external cyber risks and threats in cooperation and coordination between the center, the concerned authorities and friendly countries.

He also noted that the main goal of the National Center for Cyber Security, which was established under Decree No 37 of 2022, is to create a national umbrella that is responsible for securing and protecting information networks, telecommunications, information systems, collecting and exchanging information operations using any electronic means. He said that the center also aims to develop cybersecurity teams, provide the necessary support and counseling, and coordinate response efforts.

He stated that the center also helps prevent any attempts to hinder, disrupt or sabotage the vital infrastructure, communications networks and information systems in the country and take what is necessary to deal to confront all online threats, whether from inside or outside the country. On the center’s strategy, he pointed out that it is emanating from the vision of (Kuwait 2035), to help create a safe and flexible cyber space that supports and enhances development, prosperity, economy and protect national interests.

Bouarraki said that the active national governance aims to create a legislative environment that protects national interests and supports and enhances development and prosperity and the development of an organizational environment that regulates the relationship, responsibilities and specializations between the center and various state institutions and create active national leaders. Furthermore, he noted that the aim of cooperation with local and international companies is to enhance information on criminal activities on the cyber space at the local and international levels, stressing the importance of raising and strengthening the level of cyber security culture in the country.

The Major General also stressed the importance of the commitment of the concerned authorities to classify e-data by determining the level of sensitivity in accordance with the detailed criteria set by the concerned authorities. The center is currently working on preparing a framework for cyber operations and national governance, which will regulate the center’s relationship with the concerned authorities, and the general national framework for e-data privacy, he added. Finally, he expressed the center’s aspiration to enhance cooperation with specialists, various state institutions, and with friendly countries in the field of cybersecurity. – KUNA